The Songbird and The Butterfly

Nature, Poems / Monday, June 11th, 2018

I’m a vibrant butterfly.
Spreading my wings.
Flittering and smiling,
At whatever Life brings!

There I see a song bird,
Admiring how it sings.
The melody hynotizes me,
Into dreamland it brings!

In my dream I see a butterfly,
Flapping it’s wings!
While it hovers over flowers,
I hear myself melodiously sing!

I still flap my wings,
Oh Gosh! I love how I sing!
There the little butterfly,
Tires and sleep does bring!

A sudden gust of wind,
Wakes up both
The songbird and
The butterfly.

Dreaming of the sweet bird,
Flapping my wings!
I wonder what I am now?
A butterfly or a bird that sings!

Jatinder Singh , the lousy poet

© Written 20-Aug-2017

{ Picture Credit: NATGEO Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #38 }

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